Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oct. 17 Commitment Sunday sermon by Pastor Rick Rouse: Tapping into God’s 4-G network

You’ve heard of the 4-G network. Did you know that 80 percent of the U.S. population is now connected by cell phones. And there is a race among providers to offer their customers not just 3-G but 4-G coverage with faster download and upload service. Did you know that this is available in this area, in fact it is free of charge to every member of Immanuel—right now, today?! You already have access to God’s 4-G network. The 4 Gs stand for God, Grace, Gratitude, and Generosity.

Today’s gospel seems to indicate that prayer is the key to tapping into this network of God’s grace. And your stewardship theme this year is “To pray, to serve, to give.” These are all spiritual disciplines, and all are motivated by God’s gracious action to us in Jesus Christ. We pray, we serve, we give in response to what God has first done for us.

I had a seminary professor that suggested that the prayer of gratitude is the window that opens heaven’s blessings. Let me repeat that. The prayer of gratitude is the window that opens heaven’s blessings. That is because as we cultivate a spirit of gratitude in our hearts, we are open to recognizing and receiving God’s gifts in our lives—as well as a willingness to use them in service to others.

A lesson from Luke 21:1-4

This gospel story is a familiar one. Jesus observes a rich man and a widow in the temple bringing their offering for the Lord. While the rich man puts in a fair amount, it represents only a very small percentage of what he is worth. Whereas the widow gives only a few pennies that turn out to be all that she has in the world. Jesus asks which one has been the most generous, and the crowd responds—the one who sacrificed the most. They get it, if only for the moment.

I recall a widow in one of my congregations who was on a fixed income. She lived very simply and told me one time that she had promised the Lord to give at least 25 percent of her modest income to the church.

With great joy, she announced that she had not only kept her promise but often was able to do more because God had been so good to her; and I knew this was often at a personal sacrifice. Like the widow in Luke, she practiced great generosity and took her discipleship seriously.

The Life of a Disciple

We too are called to be generous disciples of Jesus. However, the life of discipleship may not be for everyone, because being a disciple involves commitment. It’s not about seeing what options you have, what the alternatives are, but it is devoting your whole life and service to Christ and to one another. That’s true whether you are a husband or wife, a father or mother, a son or daughter, whether you’re a man or woman, neighbor or friend, employer or employee, or whatever.

When a person becomes a U.S. citizen, he/she must renounce all allegiance to the country of their birth and pledge 100 percent commitment to the United States. Only then will the U.S. government grant them citizenship. That’s also the way it is with Jesus Christ. When we became a follower of Christ Jesus, we or our parents renounced Satan totally and completely. One can’t divide their loyalties, splitting half the time with Satan and half the time with Christ Jesus. Or being a Christian on Sundays and doing what we ever we want the rest of the week. When we were baptized or affirmed our baptism in confirmation, we made the commitment to follow Jesus all the way. Following Jesus is not some half-hearted effort. It takes courage, it takes commitment, and it takes determination.

Our Lord does not force us to follow him. He does not stand over us with a club saying, “You must do this and you have to do that or else.” By his grace, by his undeserved love and mercy and his care for us, he simply invites us to follow him. He said whoever wanted to follow him must deny self, take up their cross and follow him. So to follow Jesus means that we may have to deny ourselves and we’re not sure that we want to do that. We would much rather focus on ourselves, on our own issues, our own problems, our own challenges, rather than on the call of Jesus. The self wants the things that the self is interested in—what I can get out of it and what’s good for me. The self doesn’t want to put self aside in favor of God and a relationship with him. To deny the self is more than just giving up our favorite food or entertainment. It’s more than just someone on weight-watchers giving up the gravy and the mashed potatoes or the chocolate ice cream. It’s giving ourselves fully to Jesus Christ in willing obedience to follow his call of discipleship.

God’s Act of Generosity

Those of us who’ve had a loving parent, know a little bit about self-denial, and, if we’ve been a parent, we also know something of self-denial. In a book called The Turning Point, the author talks about a young man who is beginning his senior year in college during the years of the Great Depression. His family did not have the money to afford to send him to college, even though it only cost $20 including the books. The father didn’t have the $20. Yet he said, “Son, don’t worry. We’ll find the money. The next morning, they went to the bank and met with the banker. The banker looked over the loan papers, and said, “I’m sorry; I can’t give you the loan. I wish I could.” It seemed there was no way that Glen would ever be able to go to college to finish his last year.

It was the day before school was to start. A big truck backed up to the house. There was one thing that the mother loved more than anything else, next to Jesus and next to her family, and that was her piano. She loved to play thepiano. She enjoyed the music that came from the piano. It gave her great pleasure and great joy.

Well, the men rolled and they pushed the piano across some boards and onto the truck. Then the driver took some money out of his pocket and he gave some bills to the mother – a $20, a $10 and a $5. The driver got into the truck, and they drove away with the mother’s prize possession, the piano, in the back of the truck. Later the father said to the son, “You can go back to college tomorrow. Your mother sold the piano.” Then he gave him the money. That’s exactly what God is like.

You see, God is the One who took the thing that he loved the most, his Son, and gave him up for you and for me. He did so at the hands of sinners. He was disgraced and rejected, denied and killed, and then passed on the treasure to us – forgiveness, peace, joy, graciousness, grace, kindness, mercy, and hope. Then God said, “From now on you have my grace, and can experience joy, purpose, and meaning in life.”

When Jesus calls us to be a disciple, he’s not asking for anything more than what he has already given himself. And as disciples, there may be times when we have to sacrifice for the sake of Jesus and the gospel.

For Jesus, going to the cross was total commitment. He knew that he must die. It was absolutely necessary. It meant everything to him. It was his mission in life. He did it in order to pay for the sins of the world, yours and mine, and for our eternal life.

Responding to God’s grace

We are called to respond to God’s grace, with lives of generosity and loving service. Martin Luther once said: “We are not saved by good works, but we are saved in order to do good works.” He meant that our lives should reflect grace in our love for God and our neighbor. We should be as generous as God has been generous toward us in Christ.

I was in Africa this past summer and witnessed grace and generosity like never before. We spent three weeks in Tanzania exploring the work of the Lutheran church there—the building of schools, hospitals, churches. The Christian faith is exploding there and the congregations we worshipped in were full to overflowing. Why? Because people there take discipleship seriously. They are willing to sacrifice for the faith. One congregation held at least two processional offerings on a given Sunday.

Then we gathered in the yard outside the church after services for a live auction. Those who had little money to give brought produce and chickens to auction off in order to help the church carry out its mission in the community. These Lutheran disciples also practiced radical hospitality. We met in many homes, all of them very modest by our standards. Many with no electricity or running water. Yet they graciously welcomed us and fed us and gave us gifts. Like the widow, they gave away what little they had to serve God and others.

We are called to be a community of grace, to be gracious and generous in our words and actions toward others, to be loving and welcoming of all people. We rejoice that Immanuel is such a community of grace. Jesus calls us to a life of commitment—of living as generous disciples. He enables us to do that by his Word and by sacrament. He empowers us to live our lives for him – to become better disciples – to become more Christ-like along the way. Every Sunday we get a new start through Christ’s body and blood at the table of grace. We start again as disciples with wholeness and new life. He assures us that all our sin is forgiven and forgotten, so that we can start all over with a clean slate. He gives us the strength to overcome all things, and, through his power we can daily live out our baptism as grace-filled disciples of Jesus.

Giving to God is not meant to be a burden but a joy. Mark Allen Powell is a Bible scholar and Lutheran theologian who has written a best selling book Giving to God: The Bible’s Good News About Living a Generous Life. He talks about giving as the act of living out our baptismal life as Christians. Living by our faith.

Being a good steward means belonging to God. It means allowing God to rule our lives, putting God in charge of everything, including our time and our money. The Bible teaches that generosity is a fruit of the Spirit at work in our lives. It comes from an attitude of gratitude. Our giving is always meant to be in response to what God has already done for us in Jesus Christ. Giving then becomes not something we have to do but something we want to do.

Powell offers three principles of stewardship. First, he says, faithful stewardship involves giving to God as an act of worship. We give out of glad and generous hearts as an expression of love and devotion to a God who is so good to us. Second, faithful stewardship involves giving to God as an expression of our faith. When we give generously and without compulsion, we confess that all we are and everything we have belongs to God and we put this faith into action when we offer ourselves and our possessions to God to be used as God sees fit. Finally, faithful stewardship involves giving to God as a discipline for spiritual growth. Whenever we practice a degree of self-denial, we are stretching our faith muscles, in recognition of the Biblical truth that “where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also.”

What is it that will connect us to God’s 4-G Network? It is God’s grace and in turn our prayerful and generous response. We have only one life to give and a life of generous discipleship is the path we are called to follow. In so doing we experience the abundant life Jesus offers us.

A missionary was pleased when a native boy arrived at the village church with a fish in handful. The boy told the pastor that he was bringing to God his tithe or 10%. When the missionary asked where the other nine fish were, the boy smiled and replied: “I’m just now going back to the river to catch them.” May we too know such joy in giving. Amen

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ideas for living thankfully

Want to put more thanks into Thanksgiving this year?

Prayer team member Dorcas Doering suggests checking out resources on gratitude at

Once you’re at the website, click on the “Living Spiritually” link on the home page, then on “A Thankful Life.” The site includes a variety of resources, including a series of prayers of gratitude.

Speakers, book study highlight adult education in November

Immanuel has several exciting adult eduction opportunities scheduled in November, including two adult forum speakers and a new book study as well as the regular Focus discussion group.

Vance Thomas, director of library services at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Shawnee, and husband of Immanuel pastor Jennifer Thomas, will lead a two-part adult forum study on Oct. 31 and Nov. 7.

His topic is “The Bible: Exegesis.”

On Nov. 14 and 21, Jim Brandt, associate professor of historical theology and director of contextual education at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, will discuss “Atonement: How Christ Saves.”

Adult forum begins at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday in Luther Hall.

The Focus discussion group covers wide-ranging topics at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday in the office conference room.

Melodee Blobaum will lead a seven-week book study of Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully through the Hours of the Day by Macrina Wiederkehr at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays starting Nov. 7 and continuing through Dec. 19 in the prayer room across the hall from the office.

The book is the perfect antidote to the hustle and bustle of preparations for the holiday season. It examines the Divine Office -- the seven daily prayer hours observed around the world -- with an eye to how those prayers can be adapted into a busy life. Wiederkehr, who is a Benedictine nun, identifies themes for each hour of prayer and suggests how one might use that theme in prayer. And she suggests that though we may not be able to fold seven prayer pauses into our lives each day, if we do find ourselves for a minute for prayer, we might want to look at the theme for that hour and construct our prayers accordingly.

Each chapter introduces the themes in 10 pages or so, and then offers resources for praying during that hour.

Seven Sacred Pauses is available in paperback through Amazon for $10.85. If you’re interested in ordering the book, please contact the church office at 816-931-8483.

Of commitment and vision: A message from Pastor Jennifer Thomas

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Wow! I’m breathless after an exciting weekend at Immanuel, when leaders gathered on Saturday for time with our church consultant, Pastor Rick Rouse. Early on in the conversation, he described the church as a bus rather than a ship, and he proclaimed that God’s Spirit should be driving us. The conversations were stimulating, and survey results indicate that the congregation is ready to create a plan for God’s mission at Immanuel and beyond for the next few years. We have amazing resources that include but are not limited to the members, the staff, the ministry, and the building.

Commitment Sunday was also a huge success thanks to our stewardship leaders, council and staff, and especially to you, the saints who support the ministry through your generous gifts of time, talent, and money. In a temple talk a few weeks ago, Jim Martin encouraged us to consider what portion of what we have we will keep for our own use and what will we give to God’s mission. And then Pastor Rouse reminded us of the beauty and faith inherent in first fruit giving like the little boy who gave the first fish he caught knowing that he could go back to the river to catch the other nine. That is how good God is!

Pastor Rouse also referred to Mark Allen Powell’s best-selling book“Giving to God” in his sermon. I’ve read it, and the most important shift in his theological understanding for the church is that stewardship isn’t about the percent that we give to church. Stewardship is about how we use all that we have – ourselves, our time, and our possessions whether it’s at church, in the community, in our home, at work, with friends, or even how we spend our leisure time.

Of course, the danger of looking at stewardship from a 100 percent perspective is that we could become law-oriented. But that isn’t who we are as Lutherans. As Lutherans, grace is foremost in our minds. And because of God’s grace, love, and steadfast mercy and justice, we respond with gratitude and generosity.

I’m grateful for the high percentage of members who participated in the survey process. I hope you’ve read the summary of the survey results. We have some growing edges and opportunities. I want you to know, I’m taking the feedback from the survey seriously, and I recognize that perceptions and expectations are different across generational lines. Our consultant, Pastor Rouse, recommends a book that helps congregations much like ours to bridge generation gaps and to be intergenerational. The book is “Reaching People under 40 while Keeping People over 60” by Edward H. Hammett and James R. Pierce.

Let me be clear. Every generation matters. Every person is unique. Each has gifts and growing edges. And, God has called us together, here. God has called us together, at this time. We are Immanuel, and we are an ELCA word and sacrament ministry. And, like our consultant asked us at the beginning of the process on Saturday, “Are you on the bus?” God is on the bus. God deeply desires to be in relationship with you. God desires to knit us into one fabric, one body, marked with the cross of Christ forever and sent for the sake of the world. We have a strong and beautiful legacy of being a church whose mission has always been timely for its time. I hope you’ll participate in the conversation about where God’s bus is headed at this particular time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Immanuel’s Women meet Nov. 4

Good fellowship, light supper and lively conversation around a Bible study are all on the agenda when the women of Immanuel meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4.

Women of all ages are invited to come to the monthly meetings in the Spong Common Room. We gather at 6 p.m. for social time. If you have questions, call the church office at 816-931-8483.

Men’s Breakfast set for Nov. 6

Immanuel’s men and friends are invited to breakfast and Bible Study at 8 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 6.

After a study led by Doug Himebaugh, we’ll be in search of ideas for future gatherings and activities. Inside the church and out, morning, noon or evening activities will be explored.

So if you have an opinion, please come or fill out the survey that came to your mailbox.

Immanuel's Centered Life team regroups

“God’s Work, Our Hand’s” is the ELCA tagline. It is also reflective of the centerpiece in Centered Life – Centered Work, a program begun here in 2002. Centered Life was spawned by an initiative begun by Luther Seminary and Immanuel was selected to be one of five pilot congregations in the Kansas City area.

Centered Life is about ministry in daily life, that is, our vocational calling or what we do outside the walls of the church. Martin Luther believed that a shoemaker is just as important as a CEO. God’s requirement is that both do their work using the gifts they have been given to the glory of God and for the sake of community.

Our community at Immanuel is in the process of re-visioning its ministry plan. Lifting up the vocational calling of each member will certainly be part of the exciting mix.

The Centered Life Team is taking a break until the role we are to play comes into sharper focus. Under a new name but always under the cross of Christ, we will continue our work of ministry in daily life. If you would like information about this reforming ministry, please contact Carolyn Wilson at 816-931-8483.

Read for a cause on Nov. 13

Curl up with a good book, e-reader, or newspaper on Saturday, Nov. 13 for the first-ever Read-a-thon for Hunger to kick off National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Nov. 14 -- 20.

Here’s how it works: for every hour you commit to read, you also pledge to give one non-perishable food item or $1 to a food pantry of your choice.

As a strong supporting congregation of Metro Lutheran Ministry, Immanuel Read-a-thon participants are encouraged to consider pledging to support MLM during the readathon.

For more information or to sign up, check us out at, visit us on Facebook, or contact Amanda Rothe at (913) 940-3276.